Support the Building Industry in Our Area by Joining the Lake Region Builders Association
Who Can Join?
Why Join?
- Three-In-One Membership When joining LRBA, you automatically become a member of the Builders Association of Minnesota (BAM) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). All three associations join forces to successfully address difficult issues facing the building industry.
- Visibility
- LRBA staff refers members first for all project and service inquiries.
- With membership, your listing on the LRBA online Business Directory will show up as a search result when keywords are used in a Google search.
- Job postings on and our social media feeds are free to members.
- Get involved, and you’ll get noticed. Participation in LRBA’s activities get you and your company publicity in front of potential clients. Backed by the association name and credibility, you are steps ahead of the competition!
- Contacts Broaden your base of business associates. If your market is the building industry, this is the best way to reach your audience. Members can display their products/services (at a discount) directly to the public and to other members at the annual Home & Sport Show. Members also receive advertising discounts in the newsletter and on the LRBA website.
- News, Education & Information Profit from the building expertise and business experience of other industry professionals. Members are informed of local building code requirements, legislative activity, and upcoming LRBA events via our monthly newsletter. LRBA also offers continuing education classes annually at a discount to members.
- Discounts Builders Association of Minnesota (BAM) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) offer exclusive discounts to members on a variety of products and services that can benefit your business, employees, or family. LRBA offers member discounts on advertising, continuing education classes, Home & Sport Show booth space, and more. Also, your membership dues may be tax deductible. Ask your accountant for details!
- Make a Real Difference City and County governments are closely monitored with an eye towards issues that affect the building industry. Through the Builders Association of Minnesota (BAM) and National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), a member has representation and access to state and national lobbyists and current legislative information.
- Members Do Business With Members Take part in the annual Home & Sport Show and other activities. The Lake Region Builders Association always encourages active networking with others in the building industry. The network of LRBA members and their willingness to share information is a key benefit of joining the Association.
- Give Back To Our Communities We have a strong commitment to give back to our communities. The Lake Region Builders Association along with West Central Initiative established the LRBA Scholarship Foundation which annually provides scholarships to students who plan to study in a construction-related field. LRBA and its members have contributed to numerous community service projects over the years including the Tom Oswald House project, Habitat for Humanity homes, baseball dugouts, and ramps for Hospice to name a few.

When joining the Lake Region Builders Association, you automatically become a member of the Builders Association of Minnesota (BAM) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).
Membership fee is $525 payable annually.
(Includes local, state, and national memberships)